Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Sometimes we do service for people, too

Hello everyone! I am still in Bethania this week, but there have been some changes, namely... transfers!
On Tuesday night we got transfer calls, and Sister Willson got the news that she would be going to Boone! They will be blessed to have her, and she is blessed to be there- it's almost ten degrees cooler up there in the mountains. It is her first new area. I am very proud of her and will miss her. 
Wednesday was filled with packing, and Thursday a member drove us down to the Hilliard building for transfers. I said goodbye to Sister Willson and hello to Sister Miller, coming from Hickory! She is from Boise Idaho and has been out for about nine months. She is phenomenal. That afternoon we got her all settled in and went to dinner. It was a pretty exciting day, but we are getting along great!
Friday was service, as usual, and luckily Sister Miller absolutely LOVES horses so everything was good there. We did a lot of sweeping and cleaning and moving jumps from one place to another, but also we got to groom a horse because she was the only one inside the barn and was feeling a little lonely. We had a lot of fun getting to know everyone, and I managed to go without being stepped on this week, so that was a plus. We also did weekly planning and I helped get Sister Miller caught up on who's who in the area. 
On Saturday morning we went and did service for one of our investigators, J, who has a pet food pantry. It was great to be able to help him and all those he is working with! But, it was a little bit weird because the pantry is attached ro a church, and we spent the majority of our time signing in the clients, which we did right next to the open door of the chapel. It was a beautiful chapel, but we weren't sure what they would have done if they found us there! We got to talk to a lot of nice people though. 
Sunday was fast and testimony meeting because next week will be stake conference. Dee Dee was able to come again, which was great! She has made some good friends at Primary and is doing so well. We just love her! 
At church I was able to get up and bear my testimony about something that has really impacted my mission so far- the Book of Mormon. This has been the first time in my life that I've been able to have daily, consistent, in-depth study of the Book of Mormon. Sure, I studied it in seminary, and read it on my own outside of school, but I'm not sure I ever let myself absorb it like this. Every time I read the Book of Mormon, I gain new insights to write in my study notebook. More importantly, I feel the Spirit. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. Nothing else could make a person feel this way when they read it. I just can't get enough. I challenge everyone , if they're not reading the Book of Mormon daily, to read it! It can and will change your life! 
Have a phenomenal week everyone!
Sister Reay 

Goodbye Sister Willson! 
Hello Sister Miller!
Getting to know the horses ❤

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