Monday, April 2, 2018


Hello everyone! I hope all of you watched conference because it was just AMAZING. But first, some business items. 
This week was pretty normal until Thursday, when we went on exchanges! ðŸ˜€ I went up to Mountain Island with Sister Erickson! It was very fun. We got to visit a few people and had dinner with a great member. I missed a few lessons back in Rock Hill, but good things happened while I was gone.The next day we went to ZONE CONFERENCE! It was such a good conference. One thing they did differently this time was they had the assistants give short talks instead of trainings, and it really brought in the Spirit. We talked a lot about the gospel of Jesus Christ, which we're studying in the Book of Mormon together. We also had a testimony meeting. Then Sister Laney got the chance to bear her departing testimony (which missionaries do at their last zone conference). So yes, she is outta here in a week and a half. Pretty crazy to think about! I still have quite a bit left though, so no worries there. 
The highlight of this action-packed week was of course GENERAL CONFERENCE! Which lined up with Easter Sunday this year, which makes it even better! It was great. We watched the first session with the young women at the young womens president's house and had a fun breakfast there. For the afternoon, we went to another member's house and had dinner! We chose to watch the Sunday sessions at the church before Easter dinner at another amazing member's house. 
Plenty of exciting stuff happened in conference. For one, we sustained Russell M. Nelson as the Lord's chosen prophet and president of the Church of Jesus Christ on eath. That was an incredibly spiritual moment as we all gave our common consent. Then we sustained two new apostles, Elders Gerrit W. Gong and Ulisses Soares, to replace those that had passed away. Then we had reorganization in the function and organization of priesthood and Relief Society. One of my favorite parts was when President Nelson announced seven new temples, including one in India and one in Russia(!). We were especially excited about the one in India, because our ward mission leader and his family are from there! We are so happy for them 
People keep asking me what my favorite talk was. It was really at least half of them. I can't think of one ABSOLUTE favorite. I'll probably talk about more as they come, but one quote that stuck out to me was from M. Russell Ballard, who talked about faith (which, coincidentally, is the first principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ): "Faith removes our personal mountains." We may not always need to have grand miracles happen to solve our problems. God usually doesn't work that way. But our faith can help us push forward, trusting in God, and knowing that he can either remove the mountain or help us clim over it, making us stronger at every step. I don't know if that's too metaphorical, but that quote really struck me. 
Hope y'all are having a great week! Be sure to re-read or listen to those talks as they come. I'll probably keep sharing for a few weeks because they are just so good! 
Sister Reay  

We had zone activity today but didn't get a picture, so here's an older picture of the sisters in our district.