Monday, June 4, 2018

"I Thought You Were Twelve"

Hello everyone! This has been a superb week! 
To start things off, we had interviews on Tuesday, which is always one of my favorite parts of the transfer. This is my last regular interview with President Alexander, since he's going home at the end of the month! I'll have another interview later in the month though. With Sister Alexander, we talked about our strengths and everyone's great potential. It was wonderfully uplifting.
On Wednesday we had district meeting, and afterwards we went on exchanges! I stayed here with Sister Wilson, who is amazing! Right after district meeting we had a great lesson with a new Bible referral, which started off us on a good note. That evening we went to another lesson with D. She is still doing great! We talked about the second half of the Plan of Salvation and gave her a diagram of it to keep. After the lesson her mom came back in from what she was doing and D was showing the diagram to her and explaining it to her. When she got to the celestial kingdom she pointed to it and said "And this is where we're going to go!" It's good to have that goal in mind. 
Thursday was the last day of the month and we still had a good chunk of our monthly miles left, so we dedicated that day to drive everywhere and visit all the Bible referrals that hadn't answered our calls and texts. We went all over, met a few people, accidentally went out of our area, saw so e sketchy things, and saw some weird things, too- like a minivan with all it's doors open pushing a little car down the street in front if it. We wish we got a picture of that one. We also met a man who thought we were a little bit younger than we actually are. I had to show him my driver's licence for him to believe me. 
Friday we did our usual service and then did service for a member of our ward who needed pictures put up in her house but couldn't get around very well. Her house looked much happier when we left.
Because of our crazy schedule the rest of the week, we did our weekly planning on Saturday. Then Sunday was stake conference with the visiting general authority, Elder Carter from the Seventy! It was a great conference. We had a meeting with him and a few recent converts, investigators, and other members. It was so good! During the conference we heard from a mission president and his wife that were about to head to the MTC. That was neat. One thing that struck me from stake conference is that we are always progressing on a path. God doesn't want us to reach a certain point and then say "That's it, I'm good from now on;" he wants us to constantly be improving, repenting, and perfecting ourselves. Of course we won't reach perfection in this life, but if we work at it, God will bless us. 
Today we had zone activity! We had a cookout and a relay race, which we won of course #Spanishdistrict #sistrict #forthewin I will send pictures when I get them!
Have a wonderful week y'all!
Sister Reay 

First successful horse selfie

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