Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Betcha didn't see THAT coming

Hello everyone! It's been a bit of a crazy week, as you will soon see... 
On Tuesday Sister Laney and I did some normal work mixed with her trying to fit 18 months worth of stuff into three suitcases. That took a bit of time. Then on Wednesday we got transfer calls... and I found out I was being transferred! Well, a mission is full of surprises, I guess. So I had to scramble to pack all of my things, too, and get the apartment all cleaned and ready for the two new sisters.
Thursday was transfer day, so we packed up and left good old Rock Hill behind 😭 I know it's in good hands though. Sister Laney went off to the mission home, and I joined my new companion, Sister Willson, and went up to... BETHANIA! It's a beautiful area up near Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Apparently it started as an old Moravian settlement. What a Moravian is, I still don't know, but I'm sure they're nice people. 
My time in Bethania started off on a good note as we went on Friday to do service at a horse rescue/boarding/training facility. If you know anything about me, you'll know I was VERY happy to help some horses and some horse people out. We had a good time doing that. Later on that day, we went to go teach a young woman named D. Her mom is a member, but she hasn't been baptized yet. She is super sweet and loved learning and listening to everything we had to tell her. Her family has a rough time trying to get to church, but we hope to get her there soon! 
Saturday we had a video lesson with a man named J, who was a Bible referral. He asked a lot of good questions and seemed really eager to understand. He was able to come to church on Sunday as well. We aee excited to keep teaching him. 
There are a lot of great people that we are working with in Bethania, but since it it bike week and Sister Willson came down with a bit of a cold we weren't able to visit all of them. We are in a tri-share though so today we get the car back for two weeks! We'll see more of them this next week. 
Spiritual thought of the week! This actually happened on Sunday evening. We got a message from our zone leaders earlier in the day warning us about a storm coming in and telling us to make sure we had our flashlights out in case the power went out. The weather didn't look especially threatening at the time, but we got our flashlights out anyway. Well, a couple of hours later, the power did indeed go out! Luckily, we had been warned, and we were prepared. In the same way, we should be concerned about our spiritual preparation. We have leaders in the church that can warn us and tell us the things we should do. If we prepare ourselves by keeping the commandments, praying, reading the scriptures, ect, while things are good, then we won't be caught off guard when disaster or hardships strike. We are filled with the "Light of Christ" to help us through the darkness. 
That's all the excitement I can take for one week, I think. Take care everyone, and stay prepared!
Sister Reay 

The lovely Sister Wilson and I at transfers
Be prepared!

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