Tuesday, May 29, 2018

How to break into your own car

Hello everyone! What a week! We've had a lot of highlights!
Monday was our zone activity of course, and I have a few more pictures from that. Tuesday was a fairly normal Tuesday. We had a video lesson with a recent convert, A. She is super sweet! We love that we can use technology when people would otherwise be unable to meet. We also had a phone lesson with another investigator and visited a member and her grandkids that evening. They are not members, and they are super cute. We haven't met their parents yet, but once we do we are excited to start realky teaching them! 
Wednesday we had a great district meeting. I am still getting used to being in such a small district again, but it is fun! Another great thing we have on Wednesdays is our "Winston War Cry." (Our zone is the Winston Warriors) We all get to have a video chat with each other about a topic that we vote on earlier in the week. This week we talked about our comission as missionaries to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is neat to hear everyone's insights. 
On Thursday we had lunch with my trainer, Sister Hill! ❤ She's been home for a few months and came back to visit the mission with her parents and older sister. It was so much fun to see her again and catch up a little, since I haven't seen her much since I ended training. She served in Tanglewood, so she was excited to visit the zone. It was great! I love her! Friday we had service at the stables, of course (you should probably brace yourselves for me saying something about that every week). That went as usual. 
One thing that seems unique about Bethania is that we get media referrals all the time. In other areas we might get one once a week. This week we recieved about 6, and the week before we got even more. So a lot of our time was spent arranging times with them and going over to visit. It is a great way to meet people and talk anout the gospel, without having to knock on random doors. We even got a couple of Book of Mormon referrals, which was neat! 
We had a little adventure on Saturday night, which leads me too... 🥁🥁🥁 drum roll please 🥁🥁🥁 The spiritual thought of the week! To begin, we have a very nice, very fancy car that we are ever-so-blessed to have. One of the nice things about this car is the "keyless entry" feature. No need to dig the key fob out of our bags- we just get the key fob within three feet of the door, press a button on the handle, and voila! The door opens. You don't need the key to start the car either. The car simply senses that they key is inside and start with the press of a button. Very nice feature. 
Well, we learned on Saturday night that there are downsides to fanciness. We had just filled up on gas and were coming back from the convenience store. Sister Willson pushed the unlock button on the handle... and nothing happened. The key was running out of battery, and could no longer unlock the door! Luckily the mechanical key also has a "real" key on the inside, so we were able to figure out how to get in and drive home (it took all of the skills I had gained from escape rooms and watching crime dramas). But we weren't allowed to drive the car all of Sunday and now today we have to drive immediately to the dealership to get the key's battery replaced. What a hassle. 
The lesson I drew from this is: don't put your trust in worldly things. Sometimes we get drawn away by the fanciness, flashiness, and "new-ness" of the world. But if we had just had an old-fashioned, boring, gets-lost-in-our-bags type of key, we never would have had this problem. Worldly things will always fail eventually, no matter how much we feel we get pleasure from them. They will just keep leading us on and on to "the next best thing." If we stick to the basics- the things God tells us will make us truly happy- then they will never fail us. They will always lead us where we need to go. 
Hope that all makes sense a little bit. Have a great week y'all!
Sister Reay 

Family picture! Me, my step-daughter, her mother, and my step-granddaughter 😂
Our lil zone
Sister Hill! 

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