Monday, October 30, 2017

Surprise! It's scarf weather

So just yesterday we had a high of 58 and it got to about freezing last night. We're glad we turned the heater on. It's a little funny for an Arizonian like myself because this pretty much feels like Christmas weather to me, and it's not quite Halloween yet! Haha, I will be breaking out the long sleeves and sweaters anyway. 
This week was pretty much wonderful because I got to meet the amazing and talented Sister Rohde, my new companion! She is so great and her testimony is so deep. We will be doing great things together. We're back at it again in Weddington!
This week was a little crazy but good. On Thursday Sister Rohde had a doctor's appointment back up in Hickory (whoops) so we got to drive up there. Good bonding time. And Sister Reay didn't die driving on the freeway for the first time in forever, which is an extra blessing. 
On Friday we got to meet the new district at district meeting, which is always fun. Two of the elders from out district went home this last transfer and we sish them the best!
Saturday was the ward Trunk-or-Treat, which we used for our dinner that night. So fun and so cute. A couple of the senior couples in the office live in Weddington so they came too. One of them came up to us and said, "Guess what I came dressed up as?" *pause* "A cupholder." (He was holding his grandsons' drinks haha ðŸ˜‚). On Sunday there were some great talks, as always! They all centered on having an eternal perspective, and it ended up being neat because all the talks were so different, yet on the same subject. One of the youth speakers shared a story I'd like to share too:
There once was a wise old man that lived in a little house with an acre of land and one son and one horse who helped him work it, and that was how they made their living. One day the corral got left open, and the horse escaped and ran away. All his friends and neighbors came and said, "Oh, that's awful. Your only horse ran away!"
The wise man said, "Well, I don't know if it's bad, or if it's good." But his neighbors all assured him it was bad. 
Within a few days the horse got tired and came back to the corral- along with nine other wild horses that followed it. "Isn't that wonderful!" the neighbors said now. "You have ten horses!"
"Well," the old man said, "I don't know if it's good, or bad." But they all insisted it was good. 
The next day his son was in the corral trying to tame one of the wild horses. It reared up and came down hard, breaking the young man's leg. "Oh, isn't it terrible!" their neighbors lamented. "Your only son can't help you with the farm."
"Well," the old man said, "I don't know if it's bad, or if it's good." But everyone else said it was bad. 
Soon a war broke out in the land, and their country gathered up all the able-bodied young men and sent them to battle, where many died. But because of his broken leg, the man's son was left at home. 
The story could go on and on, probably, but the point is we can't just look at things from our limited, "here-and-now" perspective. Heavenly Father has a plan for us, and it will all work out in the end. 
That's all for now! Hope y'all have a blessed week!
Sister Reay 

Road trippin'


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