Monday, May 15, 2017

New Friends and Fresh Strawberries....

Hello y'all! 
The week started up with a loooong drive to Charlotte for transfers. It was sad to see Sister Hill go, but I know she will be doing great things in Lincolnton. And it was great to meet Sister Christiansen! She is fantastic. We also picked up our new car from another companionship. We will still be driving our old car ("Gimpy") and the elders got this new one, but... someone backed into it two days before transfers. So now it has a huge dent in it as well. I guess the Shelby cars just had to match. At least we both have cars, though. We got back from transfers that afternoon, settled in a little, and got to have dinner with the Ts, visit the Hs, and meet Granny. 
Wenesday we went up to Kings Mountain to see a Bible referral, but they weren't able to meet after all, so we visited some less-active members and introduced Sister Christiansen to them. One of them had a cat that had just had five kittens that morning. You can imagine my excitement. Thursday we had planning and bingo and more planning, because I had to explain a lot of people. 
Things really picked up on Friday because we, along with the elders, were running a booth about family history and at the Strawberry  Festival, which was basically a little fair with a lot of strawberries. The first day, which started at 3, was a little slow because it was pretty cloudy and damp. But Saturday was busy which was geat for us since we were there for about ten hours. Needless to say we all got to know each other really well. It was super fun and we actually got to talk to a lot of people and introduce them to FamilySearch. You'd be surprised at how many people are interested in their anscestors. You'd also be surprised at how many people could recognize us as missionaries, even in our "casual civilian" disguises. I did get to practice some of the sign language I learned in college, too, when a lady came up who I had seen signing with her family before. She was so happy that I even tried to sign, even if I couldn't do it super well. 
The strawberries were phenomenal, also. We were right across the way from a booth with farm-fresh stawberries (as in, a truck came from the farm every few hours with more strawberries they had picked) and at the end, the man gave us a whole bucket for free to split with the elders. They were delicious and so perfectly ripe. 
Sunday was Mother's day, which means... video calls home! It was great to see the fam and have a nice talk. It also felt kind of very weird. Anyway, I am thankful for technology that lets us talk face-to-face with people in two different places across the country. It's pretty neat. 
We are starting off full speed ahead this transfer. Keep praying for missionary experiences, y'all! 
Sister Reay  

Saying goodbye to Sister Hill 
Saying hello to Sister Christiansen!
Can you count all five?
Our booth with Elder Hulet and Elder Rees
And also strawberries!

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