Monday, May 22, 2017

How to get a new investigator without even trying

Hey y'all!
This was a very exciting week for us. Tuesday morning stared out a little slow but picked up fast. We had lunch with Brother T and his wife, read some of the Book of Mormon with our recent converts M and M, and volunteered at Sandys. Then we drove way out to visit a Bible referral, M, who we had been trying to set an appointment with for a looong time. It was a great lesson! We got to meet her and her daughter D. M has such strong faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. When we introduced the Book of Mormon, we found out that D had actually met briefly with the elders a while ago, back when they lived in Kings Mountain. That was a pretty neat coincidence. 
We also got a list this week of all the part-member families and unbaptized children in the ward who might like us to visit them. We hadn't even started on it yet when we got a call from a less-active member saying that his daughter J, who was on the list, wanted to be baptized! We of course were more than happy to come teach her! She pretty much knew all of the first lesson anyway, but it was good to get to know her. She has a little bit of a tricky family situation so she will need a lot of prayers as we progress. But we are holding out with hope. 
Friday we got to help the B family pack as they prepare to move to Charlotte. It's sad that they're going, but it was good to help out. Also it was fun hanging out with their four-year-old daughter while we packed. She's a hoot. We were also able to visit the Ms before we drove back to have dinner with the H family. Granny was able to be there as well and it was a great time. 
On Saturday we were planning on seeing M and D again, but we weren't able to get a hold of them. We went to Kings Mountain anyway and visited B and J. Sunday, as always, was a great day. It's always so wonderful to see from all the members and learn from each other. A highlight was someone quoting their daughter's description of prayer: "We're reverent with our arms and our eyes and we talk to Heavenly Father!" It's so sweet that even little children know that when we pray, Heavenly Father listens!
Keep those prayers coming and keep looking for missionary opportunities. 
Sister Reay 

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