Friday, April 7, 2017

Generally Amazing

Hello y'all! 
We started out this week with a long drive to Gastonia. Several weeks ago (before I even got here) someone backed into our car while it was parked, and it dented up the front fender quite a bit. It didn't stop us from driving or anything, but it did scrape on the ground when we went over bumps, so we were glad to finally get authorization to get an estimate. We should be able to go up again in a couple of weeks to actually get it fixed. We will be very glad for that. 
Speaking of long drives, we also went up to Cherryville (for those of you not from 'round these parts, that's pronounced CHUR-vull) to visit the S family for dinner. Since we don't get to go up there that often, we also visited a member who lives up there. We got to talk to her daughter-in-law, too, who is not a member. They were both super friendly, though not quite as friendly as their giant labradoodle. :)
Thursday we got another Bible referral. Our best friend, Sister H., came with us to deliver it because she gave us a ride to a recent convert's house for service just before. The referral's name is N. We gave him the Bible, and when we brought out the Book of Mormon, he said, "Oh, yeah, that was the one I wanted!" We were pretty surprised about that. We were able to explain some of our message to him, and Sister H bore some powerful testimony. We scheduled a return appointment for next Sunday, and hopefully his wife will be able to listen as well! 
Friday was fun because we got to set up a booth to tell people about #PrinceofPeace, the church's Easter initiative this year! As soon as you get the time, go check it out. Seriously. It's on and it's amazing. Besides the main video they also have eight "principles of peace" that can help us gain peace in our lives, which is something I think a lot of people need right now! 
But the most exciting part of the week was General Conference! Here in North Carolina it doesn't start until noon, which felt weird, but it was still phenomenal. On Saturday there were only a few people at the chruch to watch it, but Sunday there were plenty, and they had another pot luck lunch in between sessions (if they keep this up I will have gained twenty pounds by the time I leave Shelby). I don't know if it just comes from being a missionary, but I got so much out of this conference. It was amazing to me how many people talked about the Plan of Salvation, which is one of the main things we tell people about. There were also so many talks that applied to the Prince of Peace! One thing that I came away with was that if we want the influence of the Holy Ghost more in our lives, we need to heed its promptings the first time. Then, Heavenly Father will trust us enough to give us more. Also- coming straight from the prophet- we need to read the Book of Mormon every day. I know that doing so has blessed my life so much! 
Whew. So much spiritual enlightenment this week. This next week will be great, I know it! 
Love y'all! 
Sister Reay 

One of the sisters in our ward crochets and collects baby hats for the hospital to donate every month. Hence, a new p-day project. 
"Light rain" said the weather app. 
And some flower pictures! The first one is dogwood (I'll try to get some pink dogwood sometime). Then there's ornamental cherry blossoms and redbud. 

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