Monday, March 27, 2017

The flowers are blossoming and so are my allergies....

Hello y'all! 
It's really starting to show signs of impending spring around here. It got up into the low eighties this week, which was pretty balmy on a bike, but at least we didn't have to wear sweaters or gloves. There are flowers blooming on trees all around, most of which I don't know the names of, but they are beautiful anyway. There are birds singing, including the robin outside our window that waits only for the barest hint of dawn before bursting into song. Needless to say, earplugs made their way onto our shopping list this week. 
We had a neat experience Monday evening where we were using Facebook to contact former investigators. There was one in particular that had been suggested to us, but who had moved and changed phone numbers since missionaries last met with him. We sent him a message, and he messaged back! He said that he was feeling some guilt and found it hard to forgive himself. As we were trying to think of what to share with him, it popped into my mind that we should show him a video. Sister Hill immediately thought of one that she hadn't watched in a while, but when we went to watch it, the first few lines addressed his concerns perfectly! What a prompting from the Spirit. 
Tuesday was quite balmy. We spent the bulk of the morning driving to and from Huntersville to have interviews, where each of us gets individually interviewed by President and Sister Alexander to see how we're doing. It was really nice. They both gave me some good advice. Afterwards, we broke in bike week by going over to play bingo with the seniors. That ride seems to get shorter every time. 
The highlight of Wednesday was that the Elders' investigator, J, was baptized! It was a great experience and a lot of members came, which was very encouraging to everyone. It was wonderful to see someone changed by the gospel, and we were very excited for our elders. 
Thursday was usually planning day, but we delayed that until Friday because we went out to meet Sister H's granny, who is moving into town to stay in the nursing home where we play bingo. She is one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met! We really look forward to being able to visit her out here. 
On Saturday Sister H was a HUGE help by driving us out to visit H. She still hadn't had the opportunity to read the Book of Mormon, so we read it with her. We learn a lot in district and zone meetings that gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon is the single most important part in conversion, because if you know that the Book of Mormon is true, then you know that Jesus Christ is your Savior, that Joseph Smith was a prophet, that God still speaks to us in these days... It's SUPER important! We were able to read some of that with her, and Sister H. shared some experiences as well. We also got to visit a few less-active members in the area. 
Saturday was also the Women's session of General Conference! It was wonderful. I especially loved President Eyring's talk about finding peace. In turbulent times like these, I think peace is what we need more than anything. I highly reccomend reading it. 
Sunday was ward conference, which, in Shelby Ward, means FOOD. They have such a reputation going for their post-conference pot luck that a highly suspicious number of stake representatives showed up at church. The lunch was both enormous and delicious, and we all had a great time. Sunday was also the day we got news about transfers. Surprise: I'm not going anywhere. But one of our elders is leaving. We will miss him. 
Anyway, keep those prayers coming! It has been a great week! 
Love y'all!
Sister Reay 

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