Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Getting there is definitely not half the fun

Happy Monday everyone!
We went pretty much all over our area this week, so we stacked up a lot of miles. We started out on Tuesday by going out to Kings Mountain and visiting some less-actives out there. Wednesday we went to Gastonia to give the car a checkup, but once we got there we found out the technician who could help us had quit. So we drove ALL the way back, but we did get to visit a few people on the way. It was pretty much raining buckets all day, too, so the driving was a little slower than normal.
We missionaried around and had a pretty normal ThursdayOn Friday we drove out to Kings Mountain again to visit H, our investigator. She has a lot going on in her life, so we took some time to read the Book of Mormon with her. She read even farther than we had planned and seemed really interested in it, which was great! We also finally were able to deliver a Bible
to a referral we got weeks ago. She was very nice. We also got a new Bible referral that lives in Casar, pretty much the absolute farthest part of our area. We won't be able to visit until next week, when we have the car. 
On Friday we were able to go up to Cherryville, which we don't get to do a lot, because it's also pretty far. We visited a lot of less-actives, most of whom told us to come again later at a better time. The reason we went up was to visit a Bible referral, E. She has been really struggling with some things in her life, so we brough Brother L with us, who has been a bishop before. He was able to help her out a lot and we are going to continue meeting with her. Please pray that she will continue to find comfort! 
Sunday was fast Sunday, which means... testimonies! One of the highlights was a returned missionary in the ward. She served in Brazil, so it was pretty interesting to hear a Portugese/Southern accent combination. There was also a little boy that went up, and despite suggestions from his older brother, didn't seem to know what to say. Finally he said, "I know Jesus loves everyone... so we don't have to fight them. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen." Knowing this boy I'm sure that was something his parents had to remind him of often, but I think it's something we can all apply. We also got to visit a man we had talked to before who had very strong faith in Christ. When we brought up Joseph Smith and the Restoration, he seemed hesitant, but he promised to read the Book of Mormon. So there is hope! 
Next week is bike week, and prayers will be appreciated for good weather and good health. Also, a pre-emptive happy Easter to y'all! 
Love, Sister Reay
Pictures: Getting snowcones after zone activity and Enjoying a rare treat, the finest of NC's fast foods

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