Monday, February 5, 2018

It's either winter or the apocalypse

Hello and good day my fine friends! It has been quite the eventful week here in the blessed land of South Carolina. 
Tuesday was your average Tuesday, but Wednesday morning we found out Sister Heywood was being TRANSFERRED. 😭 It was a pretty sad day and it meant she had to get on packing. But the upside of Wednesday was that it SNOWED. Like actual snow that was big and flaky and stuck to things. It was a pretty good farewell and we had a lot of fun that morning. We ended up getting like two inches, which is not bad for this part of the country! 
Thursday was transfer day so it ended up being quite busy. Sister Heywood is now gracing the frozen north of Pilot Mountain with her beautiful presence. My new companion is Sister Laney from Oregon! She is super sweet and a great addition to our Rock Hill family. 
We got settled in and set back to work! Some highlights of the week: An older lady going out of her way to help us find our Bible referral in a giant confusing apartment complex; a sweet senior citizen asking what Sister Laney's name was three times in a five-minute conversation; and meeting a giant German Shepherd/Rottweiler mix that thought he was the perfect lapdog for me. All in all it was a very fun time! 
Spiritual thought of the week! Someone in sacrament meeting talked about when they reintroduced wolves into Yellowstone. All they did was let 14 wolves loose in the park. The wolves cut down on the deer population, which allowed small bushes and saplings to grow where they couldn't before without being eaten by deer. Because of the increased foliage, bird species that had long been absent began returning to the park. The wolves also cut down on coyotes, leading to more mice and rabbits, which led to more hawks, ravens, and even eagles. The new trees cut down on erosion, which stabilized the rivers for more beavers and otters. The entire ecosystem was improved. 
It's a pretty neat story by itself, but the point is, even small changes can lead to big results. None of us are perfect, and sometimes we feel like we have so far to go that it's hardly worth it to try. But if we make small changes, in faith, we can see great improvements. 
Hope everyone is staying warm and dry out west. Have a great week!
Sister Reay 

Having fun in the snow :)
New companion!

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