Wednesday, January 10, 2018

"Cold" to Serve

What an amazing bike week it has been folks! And VERY cold. It's unusual for South Carolina but we've had the highs in the 30s and lows in the teens or below. I know it's not Idaho but it's still something, especially when you're riding bikes in a skirt. Thank goodness for warm leggings and cozy hats. It even SNOWED on Wednesday, though it was just little flurries too small for the camera. Wow though. Pretty neat experience for an Arizonian and Californian. 
We've had a pretty exciting week! The mission leaders went to a special training on Thursday about this new program our mission is testing out. As part of that the sister training leaders from another zone came and "observed" us for a night. Now I know how the missionaries on "The District" feel. We're going to be trained on the same thing this Friday. We are so hyped. 
The elders had a baptism scheduled for Saturday, but when we got there the heat was completely out of Church, including the water heater, so it was rescheduled for Saturday. It ended up working out great because more peolple were able to come. It was an amazing baptism service. Baptisms always are, but this one felt very special. The Spirit was so strong. I was glad I was able to be there. 
I assume most of you heard of the passing of President Thomas S. Monson, the prophet. It was pretty sad since he was "my" prophet for a long time growing up. But it just makes me remember how blessed we are to have the restored Church of Jesus Christ on the earth. There is no confusion, no uncertainty, no spiritual darkness. We just move calmly forward with faith that God will guide His church. 
Hope y'all are doing well with your New Year's resolutions. If not, there's always tomorrow! Stay warm out there!
Sister Reay 

Super neat frozen fountain
We are just too cute
Bowling with the district

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