Monday, July 31, 2017


This week was phenomenal! In summary.... M was baptized!
It was a pretty exciting day. And a little nerve-wracking. It took a little bit of unexpected work to put it all together.

9:20 Sister Reay and Sister Mabey begin driving the church to prepare for the baptism at 11. 
9:23 Sister Reay and Sister Mabey recieve a call from concerned member claiming that it takes two hours, not one, to fill the font. 
9:25 Sister Reay and Sister Mabey arrive at the church and unlock the font, only to find that the font is littered with dirt. Not just dust, but actual clumps of dirt. 
9:26 Sister Mabey bravely does battle with a broom against dirt and many spiders while Sister Reay attempts to fill the mop bucket. 
9:30 Sister Reay brings the full mop bucket to Sister Mabey, who has swept up most of the dirt. Sister Mabey begins to mop. 
9:40 Elder Hull and Elder VonSosen arrive to help. Elder Hull assists with mopping the font steps. 
9:45 The font is fully mopped and the faucet turned on, full blast. It appears as though it will fill on time. 
9:50 Just in case, the elders begin a bucket brigade from the janitor's closet. 
10:20 The font is filling pretty well, so the bucket brigade is stopped. 
10:27 M arrives, calming our fears (the fears that plague every missionary) that he wouldn't show up. 
10:30 Paperwork is filled out, baptism clothes are on. The elders explain how baptism is performed. 
10:42 Sister Hofer, who was from the companionship that found M, arrived with Sister Stearns to give her talk. 
10:45 The font is pretty well filled, so we turn it off. We discover that the drain has a slow leak. We turn the faucet on really low to combat it. 
10:50 The ward mission leader arrives with the programs. We correct the errors and changes in the program. Elder Hall and Elder Gwilliam arrive. 
10:55 We retreat to the Relief Society room. Prelude music starts. Members arrive. All is well. 

On Sunday M was confirmed and given the gift of the Holy Ghost. It has been so amazing to see him progress and come closer to Christ. We are so proud of him! Baptism is his first step toward eternal life. He is amazing! 
Things are so good here! Transfers are coming tomorrow. Sister Mabey is going home. I am so sad to lose her, but I know she will do great wherever she is! Elder VonSosen is also being transferred and will be missed. 
Keep those prayers coming! Great things are happening! 

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