Saturday, July 1, 2017

Burlington: Apparently it's the home of the coat factory

Hola everyone!
This week has been absolutely fantastic as I've gotten to know Burlington! On Monday I had one last dinner with the H family, and it was really sad to say goodbye. But Tuesday was super exciting! We drove down to the Hilliard building so I could meet up with Sister Mabey and Sister Christiansen could get her new trainee! I wish her the best. The ride back to Burlington was pretty long, but we got there. It's a really nice place! I love it already!
On Wednesday we visited a Bible referral with a member, volunteered at the library, and then..... went biking! I am in a tri-share again! It's not as bad as I remembered it, despite nearly swearing to death. It's a lot nicer when it's cloudy out. But I'm actually really glad for the exercise. 
On Thursday we spent most of the day helping the Burlington Elders, Elder Hull and Elder VonSosen, move into a new apartment because their old one was sketchy and full of mildew. The senior couple over housing, the Monteleones, were there to organize it all. They took us and the elders to lunch and because it went so late they took us to dinner too. So nice! 
Friday was district meeting. We are with the Burlington elders and the Gibsonville elders, Elder Hall and Elder Gwilliam (no, not a typo, that is actually his name).  We also have the zone leaders, but they weren't there. Elders Gwilliam and VonSosen are both brand-new trainees, which is super fun! They are doing great. We biked around for a while and then had dinner with a member, Sister M. She was super sweet. We went to her house after to study the Doctrine and Covenants, since she's a convert and wants to learn more about it. 
Saturday's service cancelled on us, so we did a lot of finding on our bikes. We did get to go to lunch with a member, Brother S, who told us his crazy conversion study. Long story short, miracles do happen. Anyway, it got really cloudy in the afternoon and we biked home to meet our dinner appointment about five minutes before it started pouring buckets #blessed. We visited a Bible referral with the member, and she and her husband seemed pretty interested, so we'll see how that goes. 
Yesterday was fun. I got to meet many members of this wonderful ward. We went to dinmer at the B's house. It was so fun. Sister B made some fancy pizza that I liked even though it had onions on it. Then we went with her to help the Gibsonville eldersmove one of their investigators who had just been evicted. That went late, but with everyone helping, it was way faster than it could have been. 
All in all it has been a great and exiting week! 
My new address is:
790 Boone Station Dr. Apt. A
Burlington, NC 27215
Sister Reay 

-Goodbye to Sister Christiansen 
-Goodbye to the H Family
-It's a cow
-Riding the bus
-Biking selfie
-Burlington water tower 
-Dinner with the Monteleones

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