Monday, March 26, 2018

Pizza Party!

Hello friends and family and happy Monday to you!
This week seemed to go really fast! One of the things that made it all blur together was that we had pizza about four times this week. People kept having things come up when they were going to have us over so they were kind and ordered pizza instead. Now, don't get me wrong, pepperoni pizza is one of my favorite foods. But since we only eat two slices each usually, each pizza is two meals' worth of food. Plus the frozen pizza in the fridge, and, well, you get the idea. We are all pizza-ed out. 
Tuesday this week was pretty exciting. We were riding to Book of Mormon class with M and it started getting really stormy-looking, with a little bit of rain and some SUPER dark clouds rolling in. We had to drive toward the storm to get to the church, and before we knew it it was raining so hard I couldn't even tell if the road was flooded or just wet. We were on a two-lane highway with not really many options to turn, so we kept going. Then it started hailing, and I literally thought that the windsheild was going to crack open and all the water would come pouring in (I may have been exaggerating a little in my head). There was thunder and lightning all over. Then, as we were in the home stretch toward the church, it stopped. All around the church building the clouds were thinning and the sunset was coming through, and it was totally clear. M joked that she would talk about it in testimony meeting, but it actually was pretty neat. 
Thursday we combined interviews and district meeting at the Gastonia building, so we wouldn't have to get more than one ride. Both were very good. Hopefully I can send a district picture next week. Interviews were excellent as well. I love talking to President and Sister Alexander.
On Sunday, we had a returning less-active member come to church with her nonmember husband, which was great! Then we went to Sunday School in Chester at a member's house way out in the country. It was a very beautiful drivem especially since spring is on the way and things are starting to "leaf."
Spiritual thought of the week! Since we won't be having regular church on Sunday (GENERAL CONFERENCE ❤) we had a very Christ-centered program.  One of the things they talked about was the document The Living Christ, which was put out by the prophets and apostles on January 1, 2000. It is their testimony, built on scriptures, of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you have never read it, please do so! It is AMAZING! One of my favorite parts is when it quotes the writing of Joseph Smith:
“And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!
“For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father—
“That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God" (Doctrien and Covenants 76: 22-24). 
I know that Jesus Christ lives! That's what I'm out here telling people. I can't wait to celebrate His Ressurection this Easter, and to hear from our prophets and apostles, who are witnesses of His reality and divinity. I've lost a few people over the course of my mission, and the knowledge of Christ's atonement and resurrection brings me great peace. 
I love y'all! Hope you have an amazing week and take advantage of this amazing weekend. 
Sister Reay 

Sorry I don't have any exciting pictures, just our pizza boxes...

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