Monday, June 12, 2017

Elders and Sisters Moving Co.

Hello everyone! This has been a great week!
We kicked off Monday evening helping the T family pack their pod for moving to Utah. Its really sad to see them go! Tuesday we did our normal bingo and went tracting in some sketchy parts of Shelby, where we were able to talk to some nice people and even get some return appointments! Fun times. I am getting a lot of practice on my door approach. 
Wednesday was zone conference in Charlotte, which is always fantastic. We heard from President and Sister Alexander, and Sister Christiansen and I were part of a double quartet that performed a song called Take Time to be Holy. It was great. Then we had a training by the Assistants that included arts and crafts, tools, and the Batman theme song. Good times. We split into individual zones after lunch and had a great time learning about planning. That was in Charlotte though, so it pretty much took our whole day. 
Thursday we went up with the Elders to help the B family move. It is definitely easier the more people you have. We really ought to start a business on the side because we are getting really good at packing boxes and moving furniture. That evening we had a little miracle. We were out tracting after dinner and no one was interested or home. Finally at 8:50 we knocked on one last door, and what did we find? Someone who set a return appointment! Yay! Miracles do happen folks. 
Friday brought weekly planning, more sketchy apartments, and another return appointment. Saturday we went with Sister H to visit the recent convert M and Granny. Then we went back up to help the Bs move more things out of their house. By this point I think I have gained some new muscle. It was hard work, but we had a good time. 
Sunday was great, as usual. We had lunch with the C family after church. They are such a great family! It was a wonderful Sabbath. Today we had a Hawaiian-themed zone activity at the park, complete with a food truck. It's always fun to be around other missionaries. 
Transfer calls come this Saturday, so stay tuned! 
Sister Reay

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